Tag: competition

bbin娱乐平台 Students Compete at Prestigious Harvard MIT Math Tournament

This weekend, seven bbin娱乐平台 students — Alex ’26, Shaun ’27, Kelsey ’26, Isha ’27, Clair ’28, Daniel ’27, and Ben ’26 — competed in the Harvard-MIT Math Tournament (HMMT). The HMMT is one of the most prestigious and challenging high school math competitions in the world, bringing together top young mathematicians to tackle complex problems […]

bbin娱乐平台 Seniors Earn National Merit Honors

Thirty-seven percent of the Boston University Academy Class of 2024 received recognition in the 69th annual National Merit Scholarship Program competition. The competition honors the nation’s scholastic champions and recognizes exceptional academic promise in high school seniors nationwide. Twenty current bbin娱乐平台 seniors were named National Merit Commended Scholars. Out of these 20 Commended Scholars, six bbin娱乐平台 seniors were named National […]